Meet team TerraSana

A close-knit team whose priority is pure products and healthy food. Together we make the most delicious products we root for! We invent, taste, cook and enjoy together with you! A happy bunch, but that's not surprising if you can share a sweet story every day about the delicious products you stand for.


Quality managerJoanne is our Quality manager. This is about legal requirements, but Joanne also gets energy from beautiful colors and flavors in the products. This is how she keeps the TerraSana range to high standards. Talk about high maybe you'll meet Joanne at a great height when she's flying in a hot air balloon. You can wake up this supermom for her children, luckily because they already do that themselves!


Brand managerHungry? Then you should meet Ingrid - she makes and photographs all the delicious recipes on the site. Quite a creative jack-of-all-trades, because in addition to being our house photographer and chef, she is also our brand manager! Her dream? Build a tiny house or emigrate to a warm and chill country. With her favorite coconut milk in her pocket. Well, that's choosing positive!


Country manager GermanyMeet Philip if you find TerraSana in Germany, Switzerland, it's partly because of Philip. Our German colleague is a man with purpose and a green revolutionary. Call it what you want: organic farming and food are close to Philip's heart. You can always wake him up for his kids, oh wait, they already do that themselves. His favorite TerraSana product? Lentil chips sweet chili.


Finance & IT managerWouter is the man of numbers and management. A family man who enjoys the here and now the most. Sometimes that is while ballroom dancing, because he is a fanatic ballroom dancer. His favorite is the 3-nut mix, but you can also wake him up for the honey wafers.


Warehouse employeeMeet Jesper the colleague with the biggest smile. But how could he not be? As an all-round warehouse employee, he keeps the atmosphere a happy one. It should be very positive. And his favorite product? The popular 3 mix nut butter, of course. The more nuts the more joy. Pasta is his favorite, and who can blame him. Prima pasta!


Production team leader Our production team leader Jesse wears a lot of hats. Not under his hoodie, but he switches between many different tasks in the workplace. The fact that every day is different, and asks something different from Jesse makes it fun. Sometimes he is partying with his colleagues in production and logistics, sometimes he is the caretaker of the Japanese koi at the office. And other times he is serious, but the cap he always wears is that of a family man. His people are number 1 – no matter what. His favorite TerraSana product? “The capers are really good here.”


Warehouse team leaderBen has been part of the TerraSana family for a long time. He comes from the village and our warehouse team leader once (read: 20 years ago) started at TerraSana through his brother. Ben is the man you can always rely on. One day he might make a nice trip through Australia and New Zealand, but then he will take a bag of Thai sweet chilli lentil chips with him.


Production assistant Dia has been our production assistant for 15 years. This has to do with the coziness in the workplace and the new products that have to be tasted. But to be the social butterfly in full swing, she needs to sleep well – so don't wake her up at night. Not even for the deliciously sweet cashew spread that is her favorite of all. Dia hates dishonesty or gossip, in other words keep it positive!


Marketing managerMarketing magician Romélia is nutritarian and the ultimate TerraSana fan. Before she worked here, she already grabbed TerraSana off the shelf because, as she says herself: ''she can blindly trust that the ingredients and taste are right.'' She eats and lives in line with the Ayurvedic philosophy. In the dishes she prepares she allows for the natural qualities to strengthen and make them work together with a little bit of magic. You could say it’s how she works too.


Data controllerWessel is our data controller or Mr. Pim. And the guy who comes up with a bunch of playful nicknames. Where the average joe frowns at a mission impossible, Mr. Pim lights up. Wessel likes to fix it all. What he needs to accomplish that? Clear guidelines and direct communication. Joking around with colleagues makes every day at the office a positive one. Which makes his work almost as much fun as walking his four-legged friend. Especially when there is a jar of 3-mix nut butter on his desk.


Key account manager Remko loves food, food and you guessed it: food. That's a good thing, because he represents TerraSana's products everyday at the largest organic stores in Belgium and the Netherlands. Fortunately, he does this very well. You may soon see the newbie crunchy almond paste on the shelves, because as far as Remko is concerned, it is a must have. He for one can’t get enough of it.


Designer For tips & tricks you should contact our designer Paula. Because whether it's about flower arranging, outdoor play parks or baking, Paula knows what to do. In our honest opinion, it's a big party when it's her birthday. Then the canteen table is full of homemade goodies. That's what we think is Positive eating. For Paula that is lentil chips both flavors.